Friday, March 16, 2007

Society has to face reality

I've put some actual news lately and now I'm going to keep on the line.

Today I want to talk about anorexia, something that we talked about in class the other day.

Lots of teenagers, especially girls, are very worried for their weight, everybody wants to be thin and tiny but it's not about disappearing...As far as I'm concerned, I think we have to blame society for letting things like this happen. Most of young people take care of themselves and their figure because they are very influenced by movies that create an unreal world. Hollywood films and American TV series mostly show a fantastic place with perfect people, perfect parents...a perfect world; but it's all false! And the problem here is that everybody believes that world really works like it does in these kind of illusions; that their own life has to be as perfect as TV, but we can't forget that this is not possible, it's just a way to keep everybody in front of the TV or spending money going to the cinema. However, it's difficult. Everybody would like to live in a perfect world, but we need to remember that all of these are just illusions...

Better persons are the ones who are happy and satisfied with themselves, everybody has good things. Of course we're not perfect but...ho does?


Music->LostProphets: Politics Of Emotion


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